MT. SAVAGE RAILROAD  --  The wet spell of weather closed on Saturday last with heavy showers, and as a consequence the water courses of the county were considerably swollen.  The Mt. Savage Railroad track was overflowed at various places and some hundred feet of the track and embankments swept away.  A heavy force was immediately put to work, and the breaches are now nearly repaired. 



Maryland.—The contributions from this State gave good evidence of the extent and importance of her mineral wealth. A well-arranged series of the products of the Mount Savage Iron Company was exhibited, consisting of the ores, chiefly clay carbonates and hematite’s, the fuel, semi-bituminous coal from the Cumberland basin, the slags, cinder pig-metal, and wrought iron, &c.; samples also of the fire-clays, bricks, and coke, were also shown.

     Dear Santa - I want a big baby doll that goes to sleep, baby doll buggy, table, a pair of mittens, some candies,  nuts and oranges and do not forget my sisters Marguerite and Estella.           Annie Birmingham Dec 1894

CAMPBELL 05 Apr 1876 Barney Campbell, fireman on #15 was killed on the C & P RR between Mt Savage and Barrellville yesterday as the train jumped from the tracks. He jumped from the accident but hit a telegraph pole and was then crushed by a coal car. He is a widower, his wife dying about 2 years ago and leaves a family of several children.

The Hagerstown Mail  -  Hagerstown, MD  -  August 4, 1899  -  George E. Kane has opened a new fifteen room hotel in Mt. Savage.  Mr. Kane recently conducted the European Hotel at Hancock.

Frederick News  -  December 6, 1899

The employees at the Mount Savage Fire Brick Works threaten to go out on a strike in the morning if 50 cents a ton is not allowed for digging clay.  They now get 40 cents and are able to make about $1.20 per day.

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DOONAN - December 16, 1875  Mrs. Rose Doonan, the “Lace Lady”, aged about 75, was struck and killed by a train in the area of the William’s road crossing or the Johnson’s Mill crossing.  She was picking up coal on and about the tracks when the  C&P Railroad Mt. Savage train struck and badly mutilated her body.

100 Pages of wonderful stories, photos and eyewitness accounts of life in Mount Savage during the 1800's
