Mount Savage Firebrick Works

Lionel model train set Firebrick works as it was in the 1960's

Lionel model train set Firebrick work at the turn of the Century

Hornby LMS clockwork model 2270 (Mouseover to enlarge)

Dinky Train used to haul Clay from the foot

of the Incline on Big Savage to the Brickworks

in Mt Savage.

Dinky Train at the foot of the Incline

with Clay cars,

Hornby clockwork model train LMS 2270

Hornby clockwork LMS model 2270

Incline Plane (Dinky Trail) running to the

top of Big Savage Mountain, When it was

constructed it was longest of it's kind

in the United States.

Molding Department of the

Union Mining Company

Hornby clockwork LMS model 2270
Hornby clockwork LMS model 2270

Molding Bricks by hand.

Notice the age of these workers.

View inside Kiln at Mt Savage Brickworks

Hornby clockwork LMS model 2270

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